Operation Atlas: Nazis in the Holy Land

1941: Palestinian Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini
meeting with Adolf Hitler to establish cooperation.
October 16, 1944 - WWII: The British thwart a combined Nazi-Palestinian operation.

On the night of October 6, three German and two Palestinian paratroopers were dropped from a Nazi airplane over Jericho. Their mission was to establish an intelligence-gathering base, to poison the water of Tel Aviv with Arsenic and to recruit and arm Palestinians against British and Jews. The Nazi code name for this operation was "Atlas".

Following the spread of new gold coins in Jericho during the next days and reports of Bedouins which were eyewitnesses to the parachuting, the British became aware of the plot and on October 11 they embarked on a Manhunt. Two of the Germans and one of the Palestinians were captured on October 16 and although two others managed to escape, operation Atlas effectively came into a halt. 

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